Hanna-Kaisa and Vest

Hanna-Kaisa and Vertti

ABOUT Hanna-Kaisa

  • 38 yo wife & mother of 3 children
  • MS-warrior since 7/2020
  • Paradressage rider, exercise at lvl 4
  • Author of a book in finnish
  • Studying to be a civil engineer at Kajaani University of Applied Scienes
  • Horse-friendly approach in life
  • Owner of Haka-tallit, a small horse barn in Paltamo

My souls needs horses like my body needs oxygen.

Horses are friends

For me, Hanna-Kaisa tells, horses give my life a meaning. It is not just a hobby, it is a way of life. My ambition is to find the golden middleground, where horses can perform willingly and have fun while working with us equestrians. In this goal, it brings peace to the rider and the horse, and the riding is harmonious and gentle. Soon I will set up a link below to go in depts about these subjects.


Lacu interested in neighbours

Hanna-Kaisa and Lacu

Autumn 2024 Hanna-Kaisa with Lacu

Being officially disabled equestrian, the riding takes me a lot of toll from me. I do my best everyday, working towards my main goal in 2036 olympics/paralympics in paradressageriding. I will soon do content about this too, so keep tuned in.

Let's build here a supportive community! No hate, no negativity, just honesty supporting eachother.
Please do not hesitate to show your support to other comments! Remember to like every comment or posted content that sounds good. Together we can make a reality to the two things to aim to; 1. Bein supportive to eachother and so reaching to better tomorrow. 2. We can spread the word about more horse-friendly horsemanship.

Thankyou for being here! You are most welcome to come again!